budak budak wangi

Monday, May 16, 2011

2 Selamat Hari Guru

tanggal 16 mei 2011 bersamaan dengan hari guru....
(cheh... apasal skema ja ayat aku sejak akhir-akhir ni haa....)

ok la, straight to the point...
i make this post to wish everyone especially for those who called TEACHER...
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY, sir, madam, miss, mister, etc....

to my teachers, thanks coz teach me how to be a good student...
i admit, im not that so called intelligent student among others... hehee...
i cant list out all of your name...
but, whoever you are, you are COOL!!!
i love my teachers~
.primary school.
.secondary school.
.Pra-U school.

thank you teacher!!
terima kasih cikgu!!
arigato gozaimasu sinsei!!
xiexie nin laoshi!!



Click Boleh??

2 pengomen yang wangi:

syiera said...

selamat pagi cekgu (gaye upin ipin)

sayangi cekgu2 kite yer

Unknown said...

selamat hari guru... :P

Originally created by CIK WANGI